PGXN is the PostgreSQL Extension Network. If you’re a PostgreSQL developer, you’ve no doubt created customizations to make your life simpler. This is possible because PostgreSQL today is not merely a database, it’s an application development platform. If you’d like to distribute such customizations in open-source releases for your fellow PostgreSQL enthusiasts to enjoy, PGXN is the place to do it.

This document explains how. There’s some background information, too, but the goal is to provide the information and references you need to get started packaging your extensions and distributing them on PGXN. If anything is unclear, please do let us know. It’s our aim to make this the one stop for all of your PGXN distribution needs.


OMG Distribution WTF?

First of all, what is a “distribution” in the PGXN sense? Basically, it’s a collection of one or more PostgreSQL extensions. That’s it. The PostgreSQL additional supplied modules provide excellent examples. On PGXN some examples are:

Traditionally, a PostgreSQL extension was any code that could be built by PGXS and installed into the database. PostgreSQL 9.1 integrated extensions more deeply into the core. With just a bit more work, users who have installed an extension will be able to load it into the database with a simple command:


The documentation has the details. As a PostgreSQL extension developer, use PGXS to configure and build your extension.

All this is not to say that PGXN extensions must be PostgreSQL extensions, except in the sense that they should add something to PostgreSQL. For example, you might want to distribute a command-line utility like pg_top. That’s cool. Just be creative and make PostgreSQL better and you’ll be on the right track.

That’s So Meta

At its simplest, the only thing PGXN requires of a distribution is a single file, META.json, which describes the package. PGXN Manager uses this file to index a distribution, so it’s important to get it right. The PGXN Meta Spec has all the details on what’s required, but what follows is a pragmatic overview.

If you have only one .sql file for your extension and it’s the same name as the distribution, then you can make it pretty simple. For example, the pair distribution has only one SQL file. So the META.json could be:

   "name": "pair",
   "abstract": "A key/value pair data type",
   "version": "0.1.0",
   "maintainer": "David E. Wheeler <>",
   "license": "postgresql",
   "provides": {
      "pair": {
         "abstract": "A key/value pair data type",
         "file": "sql/pair.sql",
         "docfile": "doc/",
         "version": "0.1.0"
   "meta-spec": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "url": ""

That’s it. Note that all version numbers in a META.json must be semantic versions, including for core dependencies like PL/Perl or PostgreSQL itself. If they’re not, PGXN cannot index your distribution. If you don’t want to read through the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 spec, just use thee-part dotted integers (such as “1.2.0”) and don’t worry about it.

One thing that might be confusing here is the redundant information in the provides section. While the name, abstract, and version keys at the top level of the JSON describe the distribution itself, the provides section contains a list of all the extensions provided by the distribution. There is only one extension in this distribution, hence the duplication. But in some cases, such as pgTAP, there will be multiple extensions, each with its own information. PGXN also uses this information to assign ownership of the specified extension names to you – if they haven’t been claimed by any previous distribution.

To really take advantage of PGXN, you’ll want your extension to show up prominently in search results. Adding other keys to your META.json file will help. Other useful keys to include are:

So here’s a more extended example from the pair data type:

   "name": "pair",
   "abstract": "A key/value pair data type",
   "description": "This library contains a single PostgreSQL extension, a key/value pair data type called “pair”, along with a convenience function for constructing key/value pairs.",
   "version": "0.1.4",
   "maintainer": [
      "David E. Wheeler <>"
   "license": "postgresql",
   "provides": {
      "pair": {
         "abstract": "A key/value pair data type",
         "file": "sql/pair.sql",
         "docfile": "doc/",
         "version": "0.1.0"
   "resources": {
      "bugtracker": {
         "web": ""
      "repository": {
      "url":  "git://",
      "web":  "",
      "type": "git"
   "generated_by": "David E. Wheeler",
   "meta-spec": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "url": ""
   "tags": [
      "variadic function",
      "ordered pair",
      "key value",
      "key value pair",
      "data type"

PGXN Manager will verify the META.json file and complain if it’s not right. You can also check it before uploading by installing PGXN::Meta::Validator and running:

validate_pgxn_meta META.json

Or, if you also have the pgxn client installed, it’s just

pgxn validate-meta

Thanks to all that metadata, the extension gets a very nice page on PGXN. Note especially the docfile key in the provides section. This is the best way to tell PGXN where to find documentation to index. More on that below.

We Have Assumed Control

A second file you need to provide for PostgreSQL extensions, is the “control file”. This file enables CREATE EXTENSION. Like META.json it describes your extension, but it’s much shorter. Really all it needs is a few keys. Here’s an example from the semver distribution named semver.control:

# semver extension
comment = 'A semantic version data type'
default_version = '0.2.1'
module_pathname = '$libdir/semver'
relocatable = true

The default_version value specifies the version of the extension you’re distributing, the module_pathname value may be required for C extensions, and the relocatable value determines whether an extension can be moved from one schema to another. These are the keys you will most often use, but there are quite a few other keys you might want to review as you develop your extension.

New Order

PGXN doesn’t really care how distributions are structured, or if they use PGXS. That said, the pgxn client currently supports only ./configure and make, so PGXS is probably the best choice.

We strongly encourage that the files in distributions be organized into subdirectories:

The pair and semver distributions serve as examples of this. To make it all work, their Makefiles are written like so:

EXTENSION    = $(shell grep -m 1 '"name":' META.json | \
               sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*"name":[[:space:]]*"\([^"]*\)",/\1/')
EXTVERSION   = $(shell grep -m 1 '[[:space:]]\{8\}"version":' META.json | \
               sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*"version":[[:space:]]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/')
DISTVERSION  = $(shell grep -m 1 '[[:space:]]\{3\}"version":' META.json | \
               sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*"version":[[:space:]]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/')

DATA 		    = $(wildcard sql/*--*.sql)
TESTS        = $(wildcard test/sql/*.sql)
DOCS         = $(wildcard doc/*.md)
REGRESS      = $(patsubst test/sql/%.sql,%,$(TESTS))
REGRESS_OPTS = --inputdir=test
# MODULES    = $(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard src/*.c))
PG_CONFIG   ?= pg_config
PG91         = $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --version | grep -qE " 8\.| 9\.0" && echo no || echo yes)

PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
include $(PGXS)

all: sql/$(EXTENSION)--$(EXTVERSION).sql

sql/$(EXTENSION)--$(EXTVERSION).sql: sql/$(EXTENSION).sql
	cp $< $@

	git archive --format zip --prefix=$(EXTENSION)-$(DISTVERSION)/ -o $(EXTENSION)-$(DISTVERSION).zip HEAD

The EXTENSION variable is read in from META.json to identify the extension you’re distributing. EXTVERSION, also read from META.json, identifies the extension version (that is, the one from the provides section), so you only have to edit it there (and in the control file). Same for DISTVERSION, which is handy for building a release (more on that shortly).

The DATA variable identifies the SQL files containing the extension or extensions, while TESTS loads a list test files, which are in the test/sql directory. The DOCS variable finds all the files ending in .md in the doc directory. For distributions testing with pg_regress, it expects that test files will have corresponding “expected” files to compare against. Thanks to the REGRESS_OPTS = --inputdir=test line, pg_regress will find the test files in test/sql and the expected output files in test/expected.

The MODULES variable finds .c files in the src directory. The pair data type has no C code, so it’s commented-out. You’ll want to uncomment it if you have C code or add C code later.

Next we have the PG_CONFIG variable. This points to the pg_config utility, which is required to find PGXS and build the extension. If a user has it in their path, it will just work. Otherwise, they can point to an alternate one when building:

make PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config

Thanks to the ?= operator, it can also be set as an environment variable, which is useful for executing multiple make commands in a one-liner:

env PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config make && make install && make installcheck

The next two lines of the Makefile do the actual building by including the PGXS Makefile distributed with PostgreSQL. PGXS knows all about building and installing extensions, based on the variables we’ve set, and including it makes it do just that.

Once the PGXS Makefile is loaded, we are free to define other targets. We take advantage of this to add a $EXTENSION--$EXTVERSION.sql target to copy create the versioned SQL file for CREATE EXTENSION to find.

The last three lines define a dist target described bellow.

So now, building and installing the extension should be as simple as:

make install
make installcheck PGDATABASE=postgres

For more on PostgreSQL extension building support, please consult the documentation.

What’s up, Doc?

To further raise the visibility and utility of your extension for users, you’re encouraged to include a few other files, as well:

The most important files to consider adding to your distribution are documentation files. Like the README, the API server will parse and index any file recognized by Text::Markup. The main PGXN search index contains documentation files, so it’s important to have great documentation. Files may be anywhere in the distribution, though of course a top-level doc or docs directory is recommended (and recognized by the Makefile example above).

To give you a feel for how important documentation is to the exposure of your PGXN distribution, try searching for “sha”. As of this writing, there are five results, none of which include the sha distribution. Note also that the distribution page lists “sha” as an extension, but unlike other distribution pages, it does not link to documentation.

Even if you don’t map a documentation file to an extension, adding documentation files can be great for your search mojo. See pgmp, for example, which as of this writing does not link the extension to a documentation file, but a whole series of other documentation files are linked (and indexed).

To sum up, for maximum PGXN coverage, the only rules for documentation files are:

Zip Me Up

Once you’ve got your extension developed and well-tested, and your distribution just right – with the META.json file all proof-read and solid a nice README and comprehensive docs – it’s time to wake up, and release it! Simply zip it up to create a distribution archive. If you’re using Git, you can use the dist target included in the Makefile template above, like so:

make dist

The resulting .zip file is ready to release. Simple, eh?

Now, one can upload any kind of archive file to PGXN, including a tarball, or bzip2…um…ball? Basically, any kind of archive format recognized by Archive::Extract. A zip file is best because PGXN Manager won’t have to rewrite it. It’s also preferable that everything be packed into a directory with the name $distribution-$version, as the Git-using make dist target does. If the files are not packed into $distribution-$version, PGXN will rewrite it that way. But it saves the server some effort if all it has to do is move a .zip file that’s properly formatted.

Release It!

Now request an account if you don’t already have one, hit the “Upload” link in the side navigation, and the release zip file.

And that’s it! Not too bad, eh? Just please do be very careful cutting and pasting examples. Or better yet, give pgxn-utils a try. It will create a skeleton distribution for you and make it easy to add new stuff as you develop. It also puts all the files in the recommended places, and can create and upload a release directly to PGXN Manager. Give it a whirl!

Good hacking!